Richard Dyson at Stockomendation

Richard Dyson


Stats based on the last 3 years of data. Hold/Neutrals excluded from overview stats

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About Richard Dyson

Richard Dyson is an editor, writer and producer of multi-media content. His career as an investment writer began in 1998 with the Financial Times, followed by the Express Newspaper and DMG media, where he continued in personal finance reporting and editing. As of 2013, Richard became a member of the Telegraph Media Group where he was tasked to grow digital readership and integrate digital and print production. His efforts paid off in 2016 when he was appointed as the Head of Personal Finance for the company. He successfully built and oversaw a team of 6-9 reporters and re-invented and relaunched Questor, Britain’s most popular daily share-tipping column, reflecting the audience’s shifting investment preferences.