Top Hitting Tipsters

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Most Active Tipsters In the past week

Name Long StockoScore Short StockoScore Past Week's Tip Count Hits Misses Hit rate This Week's Performance Actions
Steve Moore 9 2,270 1,659 57% -6.39% View
Hot Stock Rockets 5 494 984 33% -6.24% View
Simon Watkins 5 138 81 63% 1.05% View
Harvey Jones 5 997 626 61% 2.40% View
Lauren Almeida 3 55 34 61% 1.32% View
Royston Wild 2 3,104 3,136 49% 1.60% View
Ben McPoland 2 213 142 60% 1.58% View
Tom Winnifrith 2 2,479 2,534 49% 38.80% View
Sumayya Mansoor 2 225 106 67% 1.16% View
Robert Stephens (Telegraph) 2 204 147 58% 2.32% View

Best Performing Tipsters In the past week

Name Long StockoScore Short StockoScore Past Week's Tip Count Hits Misses Hit rate Past Week's Performance Actions
Tom Winnifrith 2 2,479 2,534 49% 38.80% View
Alan Oscroft 2 1,183 713 62% 3.40% View
Charlie Keough 1 272 111 71% 2.79% View
Paul Summers 2 631 537 54% 2.71% View
Harvey Jones 5 997 626 61% 2.40% View
Robert Stephens (Telegraph) 2 204 147 58% 2.32% View
Royston Wild 2 3,104 3,136 49% 1.60% View
Ben McPoland 2 213 142 60% 1.58% View
Lauren Almeida 3 55 34 61% 1.32% View
Zaven Boyrazian 1 274 298 47% 1.30% View