Owain Bennallack at Stockomendation

Owain Bennallack


Stats based on the last 3 years of data. Hold/Neutrals excluded from overview stats

Total Tips

'Hits' / 'Misses'

'Hit' Rate

Average Tips/Week

Average Performance

About Owain Bennallack

Owain began as a regular contributor to The Motley Fool back in 2009. After a year he was promoted to assistant editor where he wrote, commissioned, and edited articles on all aspects of investing and stock picking. Before becoming a ‘Full time Fool’ in 2014, Owain was a freelance contributor to the site and now in his current role he works as an analyst and advisor. Almost any style of investing might suit him, depending on the bigger picture, and he's held all sorts of companies. He aspires to buy-and-hold and according to the Fool website his best investment ideas are worth much more than he sold them for.