Nathan Parmelee at Stockomendation

Nathan Parmelee


Stats based on the last 3 years of data. Hold/Neutrals excluded from overview stats

Total Tips

'Hits' / 'Misses'

'Hit' Rate

Average Tips/Week

Average Performance

About Nathan Parmelee

Nathan is the most senior member of the Fool's global equities research team, having written for the Fool since 2004 and serving as co-advisor of Motley Fool Global Gains since 2008. Before coming to the Fool, Nathan enjoyed a three-year period in Japan, as a result of his previous career working for a well-regarded industrial and financial services company, but ultimately, it was not his passion. He feels much more at ease evaluating potential investments for Foolish readers. Nathan's investing interests include consumer goods, energy, agriculture, and special situations.