Credit Suisse at Stockomendation

Credit Suisse


Stats based on the last 3 years of data. Hold/Neutrals excluded from overview stats

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Total Tips

'Hits' / 'Misses'
983 / 407

'Hit' Rate

Average Tips/Week

Average Performance

Top Performing Sector
Premium Only

Latest Tip
Neutral Kingfisher

Last tipped:

Top Performing Tip
Outperform BP

Top Tip Performance

Worst Performing Tip
Underperform Rolls-Royce Holdings

Worst Tip Performance

About Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse Group AG is a Swiss multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in Zurich. Their operation has a global reach and extends to about 50 countries worldwide across mature and emerging markets, with more than 45,000 employees from over 150 different nations. They partner across countries, divisions and regions to deliver holistic financial solutions to their clients, including innovative products and specially tailored advice.