Advanced Company Metrics

Access our suite of advanced company metrics including our unique Company Consensus, Momentum, Tip Activity and Trading Velocity Scores.

Advanced Company Metrics

Company Consensus Score

Company consensus summarise the current market sentiment towards a particular company.

It combines the most recent open tip from each Tipster/Broker to produce a single value to describe market opinion for a company (or sector). A changing consensus score can indicate that market sentiment is shifting towards a particular stock.

Tip Momentum Score

The tip momentum score illustrates the recent swing in analyst sentiment towards the company.

The tip momentum score takes into account the number of new tips the company has recently received and whether these tips were new or sentiment reiterations. A positive vale indicates a recent upturn in sentiment towards the company, a negative value indicates a fall in sentiment and a value close to zero indicates no change.

Tip Activity Score

This shows the relative level of tipping activity an individual company receives.

A high Activity Score could indicate a number of things such as imminent earning/reporting announcement, shift in sentiment, positive or negative news.

Company Trading Velocity

This represents the number of shares traded (the volume) each day compared to an average day.

A high Trading Velocity indicates that the stock is being traded more than usual and could potentially accompany a change in the price.