Frequently Asked Questions

If information / share tips are in the public domain we reserve the right to publish them on Stockomendation and assign them to either the advisor / broker or publication that made the recommendation public.

Tips vs Ratings

Overview: ‘Tips’ on Stockomendation are ‘Ratings’, meaning that a tipster rates a share as a buy, sell, hold or avoid, and is not instructing you to act on their analysis. ‘Tips’ should not be considered as advice or an instruction to act, i.e. to buy, sell, hold or avoid the share tipped, they are the opinion of the tipster.

You can use Stockomendation to assist your own research, follow links to the tipsters’ original articles to see their in-depth research and opinion, but always seek professional advice before you act.

Buy, Risky Buy, Hold, Sell, Avoid

A 'Buy' Tip is classed as a positive rating of a share's position where the tipster holds a positive view of a share and suggests that you may consider adding the share to your portfolio or buying more should you already own that share.

A ‘Risky Buy’ indicates that the tipster has a positive view of a share and that it may be worth buying, but it does come with an element of risk or volatility.

A ‘Hold’ tip indicates that a share is not necessarily worthy of buying into at this time, nor selling at that point, but if you already own the share, it is still worth maintaining your position.

A ‘Sell’ rating can mean two things 1) The tipster has a negative view of a share and suggests that you should consider selling your holding, as there is a good chance that you will lose money. 2) The tipster thinks that the share has performed as well as is likely and there are no further gains to be had, so you should consider selling to maximise your profits.

An ‘Avoid’ tip means that the tipster has a negative view of a share and does not recommend buying into it this time, or you should consider selling your holding if you already hold it.

What is the start price and how is it arrived at?

A tip start price on Stockomendation is the price from which a tip performance commences to be calculated. The start price can be derived in several ways –

  1. When the tipster states a specific price at which the tip is placed.
  2. If no price is stated, but the tip is time-stamped, we take the price at the time stated.
  3. Our team of researchers are constantly scanning publications, so a tip which has no time or price stated by the tipster it will be spotted within a few minutes of publication. We check the tip details and publish the tip at the current start price.
  4. If a tip is made pre-market opening (mainly used for broker tips) then, unless stated differently, the close price of the prior day will be used.

It is the responsibility of the tipster to change the status of a tip, e.g. from 'Buy' to 'Sell'. If a public domain share tip has changed its status, but the change has not been published, then its stated status at time of original publication will remain on Stockomendation until such time as the new status is made public, we are informed directly of the change or the tip automatically closes on the date stated.

Stockomendation does NOT make tips; all views expressed are those of the individual and should not be seen as an endorsement by Stockomendation takes no responsibility for content posted nor that published originally in the public domain that has been entered by our staff.

Please see our terms and conditions for full disclaimer.

A Tipster is someone who recommends tips for stocks / shares on this website. They may be either a professional advisor or an amateur. Most Tipsters are premium subscribers to the website, however our research team uploads share tips from professional advisors who make their tips publicly available through newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs etc. even if they are not subscribers to Stockomendation

Click in the search box and start to type the name of a company or stock e.g. Rio Tinto. Alternatively you can click 'Share Tips' at the top of the page to view the 'Top Performing Tips', 'Latest Share Tips' or 'All Share Tips'.

If a share tip originated in a magazine, newspaper, website or blog etc. that is referred to as the 'Source'.

Enter the name of the Tipster in the search box or you can click on 'Tipster' at the top of the page. Alternatively you may browse share tips and see who has tipped those shares.

Use 'My Portfolio' as a handy place to keep track of shares you already own. Once you have entered your shares into your portfolio you can monitor their value and the profits/losses you are making. In 'My Portfolio' you can also set up Fantasy Portfolios to test the market.

In 'My Watch List' you can keep track of the shares that interest you. You have the option in 'Edit Notifications' of receiving an email whenever a new tip is made for a stock on your watchlist.

To add shares to your watchlist - identify the stock you wish to add, then click ‘Watch’.

To remove an item from your Watch list – click on ‘Unwatch’.

On Stockomendation you can track the performance of selected Tipster in yout own 'Tipster League'. This enables you to identify the best performing and those whose tips under-perform.

In the top menu click 'Edit Profile'. Your details will appear and you may make your changes. Once saved the changes will be activated.

You are welcome to open more than one account although you will have to register a new account and choose a different user-name. You may, for example, wish to have one account for your workplace (e.g. the stock broking firm that employs you) and another for personal use.

The data that powers com is the latest UK Share Data from Digital Look.

To work out Tip Performance we calculate the percentage difference between the share price at the time of the tip and the current share price.

This is then the 'Tip Performance' and is calculated every time the share price is updated.

For Buy type tips (Buy, Hold, Risky Buy) we take the Ask price and compare it with the current Bid price.

For Sell type tips (Sell, Avoid) we take the Bid price and compare it with the current Ask price.

For a Sell tip to perform well, the share price must drop. This is shown as a positive performance. Should the stock rise, it will be shown as a negative performance.

A Tips Status is open unless it fits in to one of the following criteria:

It has a Close Date or Close Price set by the Tipster.

Or the Tipster places another Tip for the same company but with a different sentiment (i.e. A 'Sell' would close a 'Buy', and a 'Buy' would close an 'Avoid' etc.).

Tipster 'Hit' Rate is calculated every time you go to a Tipster page, using the most up-to-date Tip Information.

We calculate if the share price for each Buy, Hold or Risky Buy Tip has gone up making the tip a 'Hit' or gone down making the Tip a 'Miss' and the opposite for Sell and Avoid Tips.

We then calculate the percentage of 'Hits' / 'Misses' and use this information to calculate the Tipster 'Hit' Rate.

Tipster Performance is worked out each time you go to a Tipster page, using the most up to date Tip information.

We use the Tip Performance of each of the Tipster’s Tips and work out average performance, this is then used as the Tipster’s Average Performance value.

This is worked out by using the historical number of Tips for a Tipster and the number of weeks they have been tracked on

This information is then used to work out average tips per week.

We take all the 'Buy' Tips for a Sector and work out their performance, as done in "Tip Performance" and work out the average value.

This then give us the Tipster’s Performance in that Sector, this is done for every Sector the Tipster tips in.

This is worked out for each individual Tipster, based on when they made their first Tip in each Sector.

To do this we find the date of the first Tip for each tipped Sector, for each Tipster.

We then gather all the Companies Open Price in that Sector for that date and work out the Average Price.

Then we do the same for the last Close Price for all the Companies in that Sector.(i.e. on a Monday, then Fridays Close Price will be used, on a Tuesday then Mondays Close Price will be used)

Once we have the Average Open Price from the Start Date and the last Average Close Price we use these to work out the Average Sector Performance over that time period.

This is worked out using the Highest Performing and the Lowest Performing Tip for each Tipster in each Sector.

This is worked out by finding out the 'Sell' tips 'Hits' and 'Misses' as done in "Tip Performance" (but only for a Tipsters 'Sell' Tips).

Then converting that in to a 'Hits' Percentage’ and 'Misses' Percentage’ for each Tipster.

StockoScores is our advanced tipster ranking feature that will allow users to take their tip and tipster research to the next level.

Developed in conjunction with the banking of finance department of a leading UK University, a tipster’s StockoScore reflects their historical ability to achieve consistent positive risk-adjusted tip performance over time; condensing three key inputs into an intuitive ranking score for each tipster.

The three inputs used for calculation of StockoScores are:

  1. A tipster’s ability to achieve performance above that expected given the performance of the market index and the risk profile of the stock (tip alpha)
  2. A tipster’s ability to generate consistent, stable positive alpha (tip risk)
  3. The probability that a tipster’s performance can be attributed to skill and not luck (tip confidence)

Put simply, a higher StockoScore – and thus a higher ranking – means that a tipster has produced strong positive risk-adjusted performance over a large number of tips, with low variance in returns. By doing this, StockoScores allow you to ‘filter out the noise’ on our tip platform.

A tipster’s StockoScore determines their ranking in our universe of brokers and tipsters, and for every tip you’ll can see if that tipster features in our ‘top tipster’ lists.

If you see ‘Insufficient Data’ in place of a tipster’s StockoScore, this indicates that the tipster has not met the criteria for being assigned a score. This may happen for a number of reasons: the tipster may not have met the minimum number of tips to qualify for a StockoScore, or may not have last tipped within the last few months. Tipsters with an overall negative risk-adjusted return are assigned zero stars.

Since a StockoScore measures a tipsters ability relative to the market, if the market has been falling then it is possible for a high ranking tipster to have a negative performance as long as they have been outperforming the market.

Additionally, the daily return of the tip is considered. Hence tips that can produce a return over a shorter period are have correspondingly greater weight placed on them, as they will have a higher daily return than tips with a long duration.

Company consensus summarise the current market sentiment towards a particular company.

It combines the most recent open tip from each Tipster/Broker to produce a single value to describe market opinion for a company (or sector). A changing consensus score can indicate that market sentiment is shifting towards a particular stock.

The tip momentum score illustrates the swing in analyst sentiment towards the company.

The tip momentum score takes into account the number of new tips the company has recently received and whether these tips were new or sentiment reiterations. A positive vale indicates a recent upturn in sentiment towards the company, a negative value indicates a fall in sentiment and a value close to zero indicates no change.

This shows the relative level of tipping activity for an individual company. A value of 100% indicates that the company is receiving the normal level of tip activity. A value below 100% indicates it is receiving fewer tips than normal and a level above 100% indicates it is receiving more attention than normal.

A high Activity Score could indicate a number of things such as imminent earning/reporting announcement, shift in sentiment, positive or negative news.

This represents the number of shares traded (the volume) each day and compares to an average day. A value below 100% indicates that the stock is being traded less than usual and a value above 100% indicates that it is being traded more than usual.

A high Trading Velocity indicates that the stock is being traded more than usual and could potentially accompany a change in the price.

Our custom notifications put you in complete control of the information you recive.

Using the "If This Then That" model, you select a Type then an Action (or more than one action) and last a Frequency for the notification.

For Example you could set up notifications like this :

1. When a Tipster X tips Company Y a Sell then email me Instantly

2. When a Publication X tips Sector Y a Hold then email me Daily

Those are just a couple of examples of how you can use this tool.

IMPORTANT: Once you have upgraded you will find your Custom Notifications under "My Account" section in your user Navigation in the tab "Manage Custom Notifications".

You will also have a "Set Up Alerts" button next to the "Add to League" button on all Tipsters, Brokers and Sectors Pages. So you can set up or manage alerts as you need too.

Stockomendation Custom Alerts Button Location

As a Premium Member you will now recieve Alert Emails + . These will replace your Tip Alert emails from your watchlist.

These are fully loaded Emails with everything you need when a tip is placed on a company you follow in your watchlist!

You get:

  1. The full Tip in the email (Tip Action, Tipster and Company)
  2. Price when the Tip was placed
  3. Link to the Research - So you can read the views behind the Tip
  4. Link to the Trade Now Section - So you can act on the Tip fast if you need to.
  5. The Tip History for that Tipster and Company - Showing you their historical Performance
  6. Other Related Tips - So you never miss a related opportunity.

StockoScores is our advanced tipster ranking feature that will allow users to take their tip and tipster research to the next level.

Developed in conjunction with the banking of finance department of a leading UK University, a tipster’s StockoScore reflects their historical ability to achieve consistent positive risk-adjusted tip performance over time; condensing three key inputs into an intuitive ranking score for each tipster.

The three inputs used for calculation of StockoScores are:

  1. A tipster’s ability to achieve performance above that expected given the performance of the market index and the risk profile of the stock (tip alpha)
  2. A tipster’s ability to generate consistent, stable positive alpha (tip risk)
  3. The probability that a tipster’s performance can be attributed to skill and not luck (tip confidence)

Put simply, a higher StockoScore – and thus a higher ranking – means that a tipster has produced strong positive risk-adjusted performance over a large number of tips, with low variance in returns. By doing this, StockoScores allow you to ‘filter out the noise’ on our tip platform.

A tipster’s StockoScore determines their ranking in our universe of brokers and tipsters, and for every tip you’ll can see if that tipster features in our ‘top tipster’ lists.

If you see ‘No data available’ in place of a tipster’s StockoScore, this indicates that the tipster has not met the criteria for being assigned a score. This may happen for a number of reasons: the tipster may not have met the minimum number of tips to qualify for a StockoScore, or may not have last tipped within the last few months. Tipsters with an overall negative risk-adjusted return are assigned zero stars.

Since a StockoScore measures a tipsters ability relative to the market, if the market has been falling then it is possible for a high ranking tipster to have a negative performance as long as they have been outperforming the market.

Additionally, the daily return of the tip is considered. Hence tips that can produce a return over a shorter period are have correspondingly greater weight placed on them, as they will have a higher daily return than tips with a long duration.

Company consensus summarise the current market sentiment towards a particular company.

It combines the most recent open tip from each Tipster/Broker to produce a single value to describe market opinion for a company (or sector). A changing consensus score can indicate that market sentiment is shifting towards a particular stock.

The tip momentum score illustrates the swing in analyst sentiment towards the company.

The tip momentum score takes into account the number of new tips the company has recently received and whether these tips were new or sentiment reiterations. A positive vale indicates a recent upturn in sentiment towards the company, a negative value indicates a fall in sentiment and a value close to zero indicates no change.

This shows the relative level of tipping activity for an individual company. A value of 100% indicates that the company is receiving the normal level of tip activity. A value below 100% indicates it is receiving fewer tips than normal and a level above 100% indicates it is receiving more attention than normal.

A high Activity Score could indicate a number of things such as imminent earning/reporting announcement, shift in sentiment, positive or negative news.

This represents the number of shares traded (the volume) each day and compares to an average day. A value below 100% indicates that the stock is being traded less than usual and a value above 100% indicates that it is being traded more than usual.

A high Trading Velocity indicates that the stock is being traded more than usual and could potentially accompany a change in the price.

Trading Signals are signals that have been identified using our advanced proprietary predictive analytics engine and StockoScores.

First, we analyse the past performance of the stock pickers issuing the signals and benchmark them against the market and sectors in which they operate.

Once we have identified the best performing stock pickers, we select only their strongest signals based on a range of metrics.

These final signals, produced by the UK’s top stock pickers, are displayed on our Trading Signals page, with instant alerts sent to all our premium (Gold/Platinum) members.